Residential contracting like you’ve never seen before!
Laffey Construction is more than well equipped to handle any of your residential needs! Our team of experts will work tirelessly to help bring your dreams to life. Whether you are looking for an upgrade in design, an addition, dormers, added levels or something else, we will be there to see the project out from step 1 all the way to completion.
Never has a residential upgrade been more affordable! Not only do we keep the project affordable, but you won’t lose any of the professional quality all while saving the money you deserve. We have the experience, the work effort, and the professional grade equipment and certifications to give you the full expert contractor experience.
The design process can sometimes be the most daunting part of the entire project. Coming up with a design that meets the desires of your family, as well as being a practical design that would be feasible to implement can be very tricky. But don’t let that worry you! Our team is very experienced in these fields and is more than capable of coming up with a design that pleases you, all while still being affordable and practical. We are also capable of putting you in touch with design experts who can really help bring the vision to a whole new level.
Looking to do some remodeling? That’s perfect! We believe that remodeling your residential property should be a fun and exciting process… Whether you are looking to remodel one or many rooms, from the kitchen, bathroom, living room, and so on… we are the team for you!
With everything going on in the modern world, it can be very stressful to come home from work and have your house be under construction. We understand that a home is somewhere you expect to be able to rest your head after a long day… That is why we work our hardest to keep your regular day life moving smoothly while we work tirelessly to manifest your remodeling visions.
Have an idea for a new addition to your residency? Allow us to help you see that vision come to life. Our team of experts are here to see the project through from start to finish.
Sometimes you simply need to expand upon your home… More often that not, room additions are a much better option that packing up and moving. Whether your family is growing, or you have had plans to add on some extra space for a long time, additions to your house are nothing shy of an adventure to be excited about!
If you are looking for professional work that is also very affordable, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us!
Custom Builds
Looking to have a custom home built for you and your family? Laffey Construction will make sure to make a, typically stressful process, seem easy and enjoyable!
We will help you design the perfect home to not only meet your family’s needs, but also fit your family’s budget. While keeping the project affordable for your family, we will still be sure to deliver nothing less than the professional work we take such great pride in. Sometimes, as the homeowner, it is easy to feel like you are out of the loop… So we always make sure to keep you up to date with the progress of the project and we will also always explain everything thoroughly so you really feel like part of the team.